University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH

  • 2024 - Ph.D Molecular and Evolutionary Systems Biology ;
    Genotypic and phonotypic adaptations of desert physiology
    Advisor: Matt MacManes

University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI

  • 2019 - M.Sc. in Natural Resources ;
    M.Sc. Thesis, The first haploid linkage map in a coregonid (Coregonus artedi) improves knowledge of chromosomal evolution and rediploidization across Salmonids.
    Advisor: Wes Larson

Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI

  • 2017 - BS in Zoology
    Concentration: Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology
    Minor: Environmental Studies and Sustainability


Blumstein DM and MacManes, MD. 2024 The multi-tissue gene expression and physiological responses of water deprived Peromyscus eremicus. BMC Genomics 25, 770.

Blumstein DM. 2024 Survival Strategies in Arid Environments: Exploring Desert Adaptations in Peromyscus eremicus. PhD dissertation. University of New Hampshire.

Blumstein DM and MacManes, MD. 2023. When the tap runs dry: The physiological effects of acute experimental dehydration in Peromyscus eremicus. Journal of Experimental Biology. J Exp 226 (23): jeb246386.

Colella, JP, DM Blumstein, and MD MacManes. 2021. Disentangling environmental drivers of circadian metabolism in desert-adapted mice. Journal of Experimental Biology. 224 (18): jeb242529.

Blumstein, DM, Campbell, M. A., Hale, M. C., Sutherland, B. J., McKinney, G. J., Stott, W., & Larson, W. A. (2019). Comparative genomic analyses and a novel linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) provides insight into chromosomal evolution and rediploidization across salmonids. G3, 10(8):2863-2878.

Blumstein, DM, The first haploid linkage map in a coregonid (Coregonus artedi) improves knowledge of chromosomal evolution and rediploidization across Salmonids. Master’s thesis. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

Blumstein, DM, Mays D, Scribner KT. (2017). Spatial genetic structure and recruitment dynamics of burbot (Lota lota) in Eastern Lake Michigan and Michigan tributaries. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 44(1):149-156.

Waraniak JM, Blumstein DM, Scribner KT. (2017). Barcoding PCR primers detect larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in diets of piscine predators. Conservation Genetics Resources, 10(2):259-268.


Blumstein DM and MacManes, MD. 2024 Impacts of dietary fat on multi tissue gene expression in the desert-adapted cactus mouse. bioRxiv. In Press

Blumstein DM, Colella, JP, E Linder, and MacManes, MD. High total water loss driven by low-fat diet in desert-adapted mice. bioRxiv 2022. In Review.


Sarah Nicholls, Sarah Couture, Blumstein, DM, MacManes MD (2024) Using RNA Sequencing to Examine the Dehydration Response in the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland of a Desert-Adapted Mouse (poster). 3rd Joint Congress on Evolutionary Biology. Montreal, QC, Canada.

Sarah Nicholls, Sarah Couture, Blumstein, DM, MacManes MD (2024) Using RNA Sequencing to Examine the Dehydration Response in the Hypothalamus and Pituitary Gland of a Desert-Adapted Mouse (poster). Undergraduate Research Conference, University of New Hampshire

Blumstein DM (2024). Survival Strategies in Arid Environments: Exploring Desert Adaptations in Peromyscus eremicus. PhD dissertation. University of New Hampshire.

Blumstein DM, MacManes MD (2023) When the tap runs dry: The physiological effects of acute experimental dehydration in the desert adapted mouse. American Society of Mammologists, Anchorage, Alaska.

Blumstein DM, MacManes MD (2022) When the tap runs dry: The physiological effects of acute experimental dehydration in the desert adapted mouse. Evolution, Cleveland, Ohio [oral presentation]

Blumstein DM., MacManes MD (2022) When the tap runs dry: The physiological effects of acute experimental dehydration in the desert adapted mouse. American Society of Mammologists, Tucson, Arizona. [oral presentation]

Donatelli C., Blumstein, DM., MacManes MD (2022) Changes in gene expression in the cactus mouse (Peromyscus eremicus) due to diet composition. Undergraduate Research Conference, University of New Hampshire. [poster]

Blumstein DM., MacManes MD (2022) When the tap runs dry: The physiological effects of acute experimental dehydration in the desert adapted mouse. Graduate Research Conference, University of New Hampshire. [poster]

Blumstein, DM, MacManes MD (2022) When the tap runs dry: The physiological effects of acute experimental dehydration in the desert adapted mouse. The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. [oral presentation]

Blumstein, DM, (2021). When the tap runs dry: The physiological effects of acute experimental dehydration in the desert adapted mouse. Molecular, Cellular, Biomedical Sciences, University of New Hampshire. [oral presentation]

Blumstein, DM, Colella JP, MacManes MD (2021). Food for thought: Evaporative water loss driven by low-fat diet in desert-adapted mice. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Virtual Conference Platform. [poster]

Blumstein, DM (2021). How to survive an extreme environment: a lesson from the cactus mouse. Three Minute Thesis, University of New Hampshire. [oral presentation]

Blumstein, DM (2021). Evaporative water loss driven by low fat diet in desert-adapted mice. Molecular, Cellular, Biomedical Sciences, University of New Hampshire. [oral presentation]

Blumstein, DM (2020). Peromics. Molecular, Cellular, Biomedical Sciences, University of New Hampshire [oral presentation]

Blumstein DM, Campbell MA, Hale MC, Sutherland BJG, McKinney GJ, Stott W, Larson WA. (2019). The first haploid linkage map in a coregonid (Coregonus artedi) improves knowledge of chromosomal evolution and rediploidization across Salmonids. International Association for Great Lakes Research 62nd Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. The College at Brockport, State University of New York [oral presentation]

Blumstein DM. (2019). The first haploid linkage map in a coregonid (Coregonus artedi) improves knowledge of chromosomal evolution and rediploidization across Salmonids. Master’s thesis. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. [oral presentation]

Blumstein DM, Stott W, Larson WA (2019) Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity (poster). 47th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin. [poster]

Blumstein DM, Stott W, Larson WA (2018) Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. [poster]

Blumstein DM, Stott W, Larson WA (2018) Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. Coastwide Salmonid Genetics Meeting, Mukilteo, Washington. [oral presentation]

Blumstein DM, Waraniak JM, Scribner KT (2016) Barcoding PCR primers detect larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) in diets of piscine predators. University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, Michigan State University. [poster]

Blumstein DM, Scribner KT (2015) Genetic assessment of the male reproductive success of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) as a function of duration of river occupancy during the spawning season. University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum, Michigan State University. [poster]


Blumstein, DM, Campbell, M. A., Hale, M. C., Sutherland, B. J., McKinney, G. J., Stott, W., & Larson, W. A. (2019). Comparative genomic analyses and a novel linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) provides insight into chromosomal evolution and rediploidization across salmonids. Department of Molecular, Cellular & Biomedical Science Hubbard Center for Genomic Studies, University of New Hampshire.

Blumstein DM, Stott W, Larson WA (2018) Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point Student-Sub Unit of American Fisheries Society.

Blumstein DM, Stott W, Larson WA (2018) Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. USGS Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Blumstein DM, Mays D, Scribner KT (2017) Spatial genetic structure and recruitment dynamics of burbot (Lota lota) in Eastern Lake Michigan and Michigan tributaries. USGS Great Lakes Science Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Professional Service:

  • 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021 Invited Judge College of Life Science and Agriculture Undergraduate Research Conference, University of New Hampshire

  • 2023-2024 Elected COLSA Senator, Grad Student Senate, University of New Hampshire.

  • 2022 Session Chair, The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona

  • 2022, 2021 Grad student social coordinator in the Department of Molecular, Cellular, Biomedical Sciences, University of New Hampshire

  • 2021 Presenter, multiple one hour class periods: Intro to R programming language and R studio, The Department of Molecular, Cellular, and Biomedical Sciences, University of New Hampshire

  • 2019 Judge Jim and Katie Krause College of Natural Resources Student Research Symposium, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point.


  • 2022 Curriculum vitae Workshop. American Society of Mammologists, Tucson, Arizona.

  • 2022 Faculty Launch Workshop. The Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Phoenix, Arizona.

  • 2021 RNA-Seq Concepts, Design & Workflows. Common Fund Data Ecosystem, UC Davis.

  • 2018 NFS -funded expert workshop for the development of a global experiment to understand Coregonid adaptive response to changing thermal regimes. Thonon – les – Bains, France.

  • 2017 RAD Sequencing Workshop. Molecular Conservation Genetics Laboratory, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point.

  • 2016 Microsatellite Genotyping Workshop. Molecular Ecology Laboratory, Michigan State University.

  • 2015 Ecology and Plant Systematics Field Courses. Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan. 2014. MDNR Fish Sampling Techniques Course. Gaylord, Michigan.


  • 2019 Skype a Scientist (middle school). Three classes: Actual Living Scientist

  • 2019 Presenter, Science Sleuths (Preschool). Two class periods: What are fish? University of New Hampshire

  • 2019 Presenter, STEAM Point Day for Girls (16 middle school students per class). Two class periods: Evolution Board Game. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point

  • 2018 Presenter, STEAM Point Day for Boys (16 middle school students per class). Two class periods: Evolution Board Game. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point

  • 2018 Presenter, STEM Exploration Day at Treehaven (16 middle school students per class). Three class periods: Evolution Board Game. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point

Teaching Experence:

  • BISC 580 Conservation Physiology, Guest lecture, Fall 2022, 2023, 2024 University of Mississippi
  • BIOL 950 Science Communication, panelist, Fall 2022, UNH
  • GEN 604 Principles of Genetics, TA, Spring 2022, UNH
  • ZOOL 625 Animal Physiology, Guest lecture, Spring 2022, 2023, UNH
  • GEN 711 Genomics and Bioinformatics, TA, Spring 2021, UNH
  • BMS 501 Microbes in Human Disease, TA, Fall 2020, 2021, UNH
  • Biology 210, Principles of Genetics, Guest lecture, 2018, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point

Manuscripts reviewed for:

  • Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology (1)
  • Molecular Ecology (2)
  • Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (1)



  • 96 well Qiagen/Promega DNA extraction
  • Qiagen single tube DNA extraction (tissue, diet samples, eDNA, insects)
  • Trizol RNA extraction
  • Agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
  • PCR, qPCR optimization & clean up
  • Microsatellite genotyping
  • DNA quantification (nanodrop and PicoGreen)
  • Plate prep for ABI 3730
  • NEB RNAseq library preperation
  • RAD (ddRAD, bestRAD) library preparation and data management


  • Programs: STACKS, Rqtl, ArcMap, LepMap, Sable Systems expedata, Colony Parentage Analysis Program
  • High performance computing with slurm scheduling
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
  • Image J
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Coding languages: Python, R statistical software, BASH, Java, HTML
  • App and Web development: RMarkdown, GitPages, Rshiny


  • Metabolic phenotyping with Sable Systems Field Metabolic System (FMS)
  • Mouse colony management
  • Small mammal trapping and ear tagging
  • Desert mouse identification
  • Mouse dissections and tissue extraction for RNA
  • Implantation of PIT tags


  • Morphometric measurements
  • Barge and backpack electrofishing
  • Kick net, seine net, drift net, fyke net, trap net, and gill net sampling
  • Implantation of RFID, PIT, and floy tags
  • Tissue sample collection for genetic analyses
  • Fish care and fish feeding, fish disease prevention, identification, and treatment


  • Extensive backcountry camping experience
  • Snorkeling
  • Graphic design
  • Knot tying
  • Outdoor rock climbing
  • Driving 4WD vehicles, including manual transmission